Dental Fillings

Restore your teeth with dental fillings, ensuring a strong foundation and a confident smile.


If your child has a tooth with a cavity, you may have some questions, such as when to resort to dental fillings for children and whether there are tips for oral and dental care! The above will be clarified, and answers to these questions will be provided.


When there are cavities in your child's teeth?

it is often a result of natural occurrences like tooth decay. In such cases, dental fillings for children might be necessary to fill the cavities in the child's teeth.


Dental fillings for children are a procedure used to fill a hole or cavity in a tooth. A child might also need dental fillings if they are suffering from tooth decay or if the structure of one of their teeth has been damaged due to a specific impact.


You should consider that cavities occurring in your child's teeth may be due to tooth decay. Therefore, you should visit the dentist if you find a cavity or tooth decay in your child, not only for permanent teeth. Fillings for your child's teeth, whether primary or permanent, are necessary, similar to fillings for permanent teeth.


The first teeth may start to appear in your child's mouth at around six months old, and these teeth will remain until the permanent teeth emerge.